Selami pengujian otomatis di iOS. Bagian 1. Bagaimana bekerja dengan pengidentifikasi aksesibilitas objek

Halo semuanya!

Nama saya Boris. Saya adalah insinyur AQA iOS di Vivid Money.

Ini adalah artikel pengantar dalam serangkaian artikel tentang otomatisasi iOS, di mana saya ingin berbicara tentang manfaat tes ui pada suatu proyek, penggunaan dan penulisannya yang efektif.

iOS-, , XCUITest ui-.

, :

  1. ui- .

  2. .

  3. ui- accessibilityidentifier.


'', -. - , ?

ui-. !

— , : , , .

, , , , . .


, , .

UI , , , .


  • , manual QA;

  • ;

  • ;

  • — - 100500 ;

  • .

, , ? :

  • , ;

  • ui-;

  • ;

  • unit- ( — ui- );

  • unit- (unit- , ui- 5).

, , , ui- .


ui-, . , UI- .

, ui- :

  1.  File > New > Target.

  2.  UI Testing Bundle.

  3.  Next  .

  4.  Finish.

Xcode UITest . .

, , ui . — Accessibilityidentifier .


Accessibilityidentifier — ui-.

Accessibilityidentifier ui- .

ui- accessibilityidentifier, , . accessibilityidentifier ui , , — .


accessibilityidentifier .

, storyboard

  1.  storyboard.

  2.  the Utilities.

  3.  Identity Inspector.

  4. storyboard.

  5. Enabled.

  6. identifier ( : button).

, SwiftUI

  1. View.

  2. .accessibility(identifier: "nameOfID") .


  1. ViewController.

  2. accessibilityidentifier viewDidLoad .

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    @IBOutlet weak var button: UIButton!
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        button.accessibilityIdentifier = "button"



, accessibilityidentifier , , id .

Accessibility Inspector

Xcode. , id .


  1. .

  2. Xcode.

  3. Open Developer Tools.

  4. Accesibility Inspector.

  5. Accessibility Inspector .

  6. .

  7. .



  1. Label — , .

  2. Value — , . , TextFields.

  3. Traits — (: Button, Static Text).

  4. Identifier — id .


, . , .


Class — .

Address — .

Controller — View Controller, .


. id.

Console (lldb)

, , :

po XCUIApplication().debugDescription

po — print object , .

XCUIApplication — , ui .

debugDescription — , .

Attributes: Application, pid: 67835, label: 'UiTestssProjects'
Element subtree:Application, 0x6000026290a0, pid: 67835, label: 'UiTestssProjects'
    Window (Main), 0x600002629180, {{0.0, 0.0}, {375.0, 667.0}}
      Other, 0x600002629260, {{0.0, 0.0}, {375.0, 667.0}}
        Other, 0x600002629340, {{0.0, 0.0}, {375.0, 667.0}}
          Other, 0x600002629420, {{0.0, 0.0}, {375.0, 667.0}}
            Button, 0x600002629500, {{40.0, 156.0}, {46.0, 30.0}}, label: 'Button'
              StaticText, 0x6000026295e0, {{40.0, 162.0}, {46.0, 18.0}}, label: 'Button'
            StaticText, 0x6000026296c0, {{144.0, 161.0}, {42.0, 21.0}}, label: 'Label'
            Button, 0x6000026297a0, {{40.0, 216.0}, {46.0, 30.0}}, identifier: 'ButtonID', label: 'Button'
              StaticText, 0x600002629880, {{40.0, 222.0}, {46.0, 18.0}}, label: 'Button'
            Switch, 0x600002629960, {{183.0, 245.0}, {51.0, 31.0}}, value: 1
            Button, 0x600002629a40, {{40.0, 268.0}, {46.0, 30.0}}, label: 'Button'
              StaticText, 0x600002629b20, {{40.0, 274.0}, {46.0, 18.0}}, label: 'Button'
            TextField, 0x600002629c00, {{133.0, 374.0}, {97.0, 34.0}}
    Window, 0x600002629ce0, {{0.0, 0.0}, {375.0, 667.0}}
      Other, 0x600002629dc0, {{0.0, 0.0}, {375.0, 667.0}}
        Other, 0x600002629ea0, {{0.0, 0.0}, {375.0, 667.0}}
Path to element:Application, 0x6000026290a0, pid: 67835, label: 'UiTestssProjects'
Query chain:Find: Target Application 'fox.UiTestssProjects'
  Output: {
    Application, pid: 67835, label: 'UiTestssProjects'

, , , , , , , identifier.

Test Recorder

Test recorder — Apple, . .


  • UI test target() ;

  • , test.

record . id — ,  — , .


Ui- — , . , , , . .

, , ui- iOS- ui-.

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