Mengubah rekursi menjadi satu lingkaran

Maxim menulis algoritme rekursif dan mengalami pengecualian Stack Overflow.

Mengapa Maxim melakukannya?

Karena dia menyukai solusi yang singkat dan elegan menurutnya.

Dia tidak menyukainya ketika dia menulis seperti ini:

function factorial(n) {
  let res = 1;
  for (let i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
    res *= i;
  return res;

Dia ingin menulis seperti ini:

const factorial = (n) => (n > 1 ? n * factorial(n - 1) : 1);

Tetapi ketika dia menjalankan algoritma rekursif seperti ini, kebetulan dia melihat ini:

Mengapa algoritma "elegan" tidak berhasil?

Javascript . factorial

. — . — 10700+ .


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 * factorial(n) returns n! for non-negative integer n
 * if n <= 18 it will be the exact value of the n!
 * if n <= 170 it will be approximate float value
 * if n >= 170 it will return Infinity
function factorial(n) {
  if (n <= 1) return 1
  // TODO: Implement for non-trivial cases


«» , n <= 1


«» .


function factorial(n) {
  if (n <= 1) return 1;
  let result = 0;
  const todoStack = [];

  // TODO: Plan some tasks

  while (todoStack.length > 0) {
    const task = todoStack.pop();

    // TODO: process the task

  return result;


. result


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N - 1


N - 1




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function factorial(n) {
  if (n <= 1) return 1;

  let result = 0;
  const todoStack = [];

  todoStack.push({ type: "multiplyBy", multiplier: n });
  todoStack.push({ type: "calculteFactorial", value: n - 1 });

  while (todoStack.length > 0) {
    const task = todoStack.pop();

    // TODO: process the task

  return result;

, .

function factorial(n) {
  if (n <= 1) return 1;

  let result = 0;
  const todoStack = [];

  todoStack.push({ type: "multiplyBy", multiplier: n });
  todoStack.push({ type: "calculateFactorial", value: n - 1 });

  while (todoStack.length > 0) {
    const task = todoStack.pop();

    if (task.type === "multiplyBy") {
      const { multiplier } = task;
      result *= multiplier;

    if (task.type === "calculateFactorial") {
      const { value } = task;

      // «» 
      if (value <= 1) {
        result = 1;

      //  «»,   .
      todoStack.push({ type: "multiplyBy", multiplier: value });
      todoStack.push({ type: "calculateFactorial", value: value - 1 });
  return result;

, for

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type Parser<T> = (
  input: string
) => Iterator<[parsedValue: T, restString: string]>;



function many1<T>(parser: Parser<T>): Parser<T[]> {
  // TODO: Write this function


const helloParser = function* (text) {
  if (text.startsWith("hello")) {
    yield ["hello", text.slice("hello".length)];

const many1HelloParser = many1(helloParser);

const parsed = [...many1HelloParser("hellohellohelloabc")];

parsed = [
    [['hello', 'hello', 'hello'], 'abc'],
    [['hello', 'hello'], 'helloabc'],
    [['hello'], 'hellohelloabc'],

, .

function many1(parser) {
  return function* (text) {
    yield* recMany1(parser, text, []);

// - 
// - ,     
// -   
function* recMany1(parser, text, parsedValues) {
  for (const [parsed, restString] of parser(text)) {
    const newParsedValues = [...parsedValues, parsed];
    yield* recMany1(parser, restString, newParsedValues);

  //     -     
  if (parsedValues.length > 0) {
    yield [parsedValues, text];

. .


function many1(parser) {
  return function* (text) {
    const tasksStack = [];

      type: "iterate",
      iterator: parser(text),
      parsedValues: [],

    while (tasksStack.length > 0) {
      const task = tasksStack.pop();

      if (task.type === "yield") {
        //      -  
        yield [task.parsedValues, task.restString];

      if (task.type === "iterate") {
        const step =;

        //    .    
        if (step.done) continue;

        const [parsedValue, restString] = step.value;

        //   :
        // 1.     restString
        // 2.     
        // 3.      

        // 3
          type: "yield",
          parsedValues: [...task.parsedValues, parsedValue],

        // 2

        // 1
          type: "iterate",
          iterator: parser(restString),
          parsedValues: [...task.parsedValues, parsedValue],

: , , .


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, . ? ? , ? ? , Stack Overflow Error?

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  1. , — .
  2. .

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