Dalam salah satu proyek lama, pernyataan dari JUnit, kotlin.test dan AssertJ ditumpuk. Ini bukan satu-satunya masalah: umumnya ditulis sebagai surat dari Paman Fyodor, dan tidak ada waktu untuk berhenti dan membawanya ke satu bentuk. Dan sekarang saatnya telah tiba.
Artikel ini akan berisi penelitian mini tentang pernyataan mana yang lebih baik sesuai dengan kriteria subjektif. Pada awalnya saya ingin melakukan sesuatu yang sederhana: melempar serangkaian tes untuk memusatkan opsi dengan copy-paste dengan cepat. Lalu ia menyoroti data uji umum, mengotomatiskan beberapa cek, dan bagaimana semuanya berjalan ... Hasilnya adalah batu Rosetta kecil dan artikel ini mungkin berguna bagi Anda untuk memilih perpustakaan pernyataan yang sesuai dengan realitas Anda.
Saya akan membuat reservasi segera bahwa artikel tersebut tidak akan membandingkan kerangka pengujian, pendekatan pengujian, dan beberapa pendekatan rumit untuk validasi data. Kami akan berbicara tentang pernyataan sederhana.
Jika Anda terlalu malas untuk membaca alasan yang membosankan, sejarah cobaan saya dan detail lainnya, maka Anda dapat langsung menuju ke hasil perbandingan .
Sedikit latar belakang
Scala, β ScalaTest. , - , - .
Kotlin, - , , Kotest ( , ).
, , β . :
- Kotlin IntelliJ Idea. Scala- β . , ScalaTest , . IntelliJ
<Click to see difference>
, . , , IntelliJ Idea β Kotlin- - , ?
- .
1 != 2
, , "expected" "actual". " 100 , , ", , "β¦ , , , ". , ? , β , , - . - .
assertEquals(expected, actual)
β , . , β /, " , , " ,contains
. β , . - . -
. - . - JUnit4, ,
. - () .
- .
- . β , . , : , , generic-, . -:
. . - , . . ? β , , . - , equals. - .
, , , , , . , β , . , -, QA-.
, 5 , , β .
- ScalaTest β .
- JUnit 5 β Java-.
- kotlin.test β multiplatform . β JUnit, .
- AssertJ β . FestAssert, - .
- Kotest β KotlinTest, kotlin.test. , ScalaTest. 1-22 β scala.
- Truth β . , AssertJ.
- Hamrest Ββ . valid4j.
- Strikt β AssertJ .
- Kluent β , JUnit ( β kotlin.test), Kotest. β , .
- Atrium β , AssertJ, . β ( maven/gradle).
- Expekt β Chai.js. : β 4 .
- AssertK β AssertJ, AssertK ( ).
- HamKrest β Hamrest, HamKrest ( Hamcrest ).
β , -.
, , 1 β 1 . , , - , " , " "".
, - , JUnit , , , , , . ScalaTest, : , , β . : ? , :). / , , .
: listOf(1,2,3)
? β -, β . , , : , . , .
type erasure. Reified inline-, .
, reified :
. , kotlin.test Asserter: , . , ?:)
GitHub. ScalaTest , .
: 0 β , 0.5 β , 1 β . β 9 .
-, , . . , . , - , " " , " " . .
Kotest | Β± | Β± | + | + | + | + | + | - | 6.0 | |
Kluent | Β± | Β± | + | + | + | + | + | - | 6.0 | |
AssertJ | Β± | + | Β± | + | Β± | + | + | Β± | 6.0 | |
Truth | Β± | + | + | + | - | + | + | - | 5.5 | |
Strikt | Β± | Β± | Β± | + | + | + | + | - | 5.5 | |
ScalaTest | Β± | Β± | Β± | + | + | + | + | - | 5.5 | |
HamKrest | Β± | - | Β± | + | + | Β± | + | - | 5.5 | |
AssertK | Β± | Β± | Β± | + | Β± | + | + | - | 5.0 | |
Atrium | Β± | Β± | Β± | + | + | Β± | + | - | 5.0 | |
Hamrest | Β± | Β± | Β± | + | - | Β± | + | - | 5.0 | |
JUnit | + | + | - | Β± | + | - | Β± | - | 4.5 | |
kotlin.test | + | Β± | - | - | + | - | - | - | 3.5 | |
Expekt | Β± | Β± | - | + | - | Β± | + | - | 3.5 |
,"hello" `should be equal to` "hello"
. DSL . - :
invoking { block() } shouldThrow expectedClass.kotlin withMessage expectedMessage
- , , .
Expected Iterable to contain none of "[1, 3]"
β , Iterable . - :
<Click to see difference>
. - : .
β β¦ ,
, βhasSameElementsAs
, β.usingRecursiveComparison().isEqualTo
<Click to see difference>
: - , . , , .
, . : , , . , , ,
assertThat(actual) .usingRecursiveComparison() .isNotEqualTo(unexpected)
: .
: . , DSL.
- , .
- : , ,
JUnit5. , JUnit , ? - : , , :
. ,assertThat(actual).isEqualTo(expected)
. - :
<Click to see difference>
. - : .
- : , .
- " ":
expected: 1 but was : 2 at asserts.truth.TruthAsserts.simpleAssert(TruthAsserts.kt:10) at common.FailedAssertsTestBase.simple assert should have descriptive message(FailedAssertsTestBase.kt:20) at [[Reflective call: 4 frames collapsed (https://goo.gl/aH3UyP)]].(:0) at [[Testing framework: 27 frames collapsed (https://goo.gl/aH3UyP)]].(:0) at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(ArrayList.java:1540) at [[Testing framework: 9 frames collapsed (https://goo.gl/aH3UyP)]].(:0) at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(ArrayList.java:1540) at [[Testing framework: 9 frames collapsed (https://goo.gl/aH3UyP)]].(:0) at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(ArrayList.java:1540) at [[Testing framework: 17 frames collapsed (https://goo.gl/aH3UyP)]].(:0) at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.testing.junitplatform.JUnitPlatformTestClassProcessor$CollectAllTestClassesExecutor.processAllTestClasses(JUnitPlatformTestClassProcessor.java:99) ...
, reified, : .
. :expectThat(actual).not().contentEquals(unexpected)
. , ,Array<T>
Strikt - . βcontainsExactly
, βcontainsExactlyInAnyOrder
: . , . :
val actual: Array<String> = arrayOf("1") val expected: Array<String> = arrayOf("2") expectThat(actual).contentEquals(expected)
. ,contentEquals
infix fun <T> Assertion.Builder<Array<out T>>.contentEquals(other: Array<out T>)
val actual: Array<out String> = arrayOf("1") val expected: Array<String> = arrayOf("2") expectThat(actual).contentEquals(expected)
<Click to see difference>
: , .
: .
- , , . β , .
- , Hamcrest, - : -.
- β :
assertThat( { block() }, throws(has(RuntimeException::message, equalTo(expectedMessage))))
- : . - 3,5 . :
assertThat(collection, allOf(items.map { hasElement(it) }))
. - .
- : .
- :
<Click to see difference>
. - β - :
expected: a value that not contains 1 or contains 3 but contains 1 or contains 3
β AssertJ. ( , -).
: AssertJ
, AssertK ,containsAll
. ,containsAll(1,2,3)
, . , , β . β . ,containsOnly
<Click to see difference>
: - , , .
β ( ), :
expected to contain exactly:<[3, 4, 5]> but was:<[1, 2, 3]> at index:0 unexpected:<1> at index:1 unexpected:<2> at index:1 expected:<4> at index:2 expected:<5>
: .
- : fluent infix.
x shouldBe y
, ,expect(x).toBe(y)
expect(x) toBe y
. , , "". -o
:expect(x) contains o atLeast 1 butAtMost 2 value "hello"
. , , . infix- ( - ), Atrium fluent-. - : :
. . , :contains
, . ,contains(1,2,3)
, .expect(collection).containsNot.elementsOf(items)
. - ,
. - , reified, : .
- : .
- :
<Click to see difference>
. - : ( , ), :
expected that subject: [4, 2, 1] (java.util.Arrays.ArrayList <938196491>) ββdoes not contain: β¬ an entry which is: 1 (kotlin.Int <211381230>) βββnumber of such entries: 1 βis: 0 (kotlin.Int <1934798916>) ββhas at least one element: true βis: true
- : .
: (
assertThat(actual, `is`(not(unexpected)))
assertThat(actual, not(unexpected))
. , :hasItems
. ,hasItems(1,2,3)
, .
assertThat(collection, allOf(items.map { hasItem(it) }))
assertThat(collection, not(anyOf(items.map { hasItem(it) })))
, Β± "", , .
: .
<Click to see difference>
: .
: .
- : -
assertEquals(expected, actual)
, :assertArrayEquals
.. - : , JUnit - , .
- :
assertLinesMatch(listOf(".*$needle.*"), listOf(haystack))
, . - :
, ,assertIterableEquals
. - : ,
, . - : .
- . JUnit, . , .
- , JUnit, :
- .
, . - : JUnit'
, kotlin.test , . - : .
Kotest, Kluent AssertJ. , Kotlin , AssertJ ( ). , .
β , , AssertJ. , , .